Sunday, September 27, 2015

Week 7

Do the things at the checkout counter cause you to make impulse purchases? Yes, I would agree with that 100%. For example I went in the dollar tree just last night and went to check out there was all different favored gum... Like most places have sitting by the cash register. So of course I grab some up, I had no intention of buying gum when I went in there but it was just there as I went to check out. I would say Wal-Mart has a wide variety of stuff at the check out lines which is a great marketing idea, every little purchase counts.Another impulse purchase that happens to me is when retailers send me emails with coupons or promo codes. I couldn't tell you how many time I go online and check my email and a retail store sends me an email with a coupon or promo code and I end up making a purchase from them. Even though I didn't necessary need anything it is just the fact I love getting good deals. Another example is Papa Johns, every Monday they send an email out with a promo code for 50% off pizza. So needless to say I have Papa Johns every Monday.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Week 6

So this weeks post is about having employees to work for your business. As a manager I hire people all the time specially since I work at McDonald's and we have such a high turn over rate. But from a owners view my question would be why do we have such a high turnover rate? Is it pay, benefits, hours? Ever since the Obama health care law has took place we are not allowed to give our part time employees more than 28 hours a week. Which has really hurt our dayshift and third shift, mostly because most people only getting paid $7.25 can not live off 28 hours. To me it doesn't seem fair that Obama could make a law that would hurt companies like this. However our company has tried to manage through the change and now offers start out pay $7.75. Yes I know $7.75 is not much more but it is more than a lot of our competitors offer. But again it doesn't seem fair for Obama to enforces a law like this.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Week 4

In todays world I find that it would be so hard to create a business for many different reasons. Like for one there is so many businesses out there plus with the online world you can about buy anything offline. I was on my way to a friends wedding yesterday and I was travailing down different roads and  I came across a couple business that I didn't even know existed, which I was all the way out in Crane hill but I thought to my self how do people make enough revenue with a business way out here. Like even to this day I keep wondering to myself once I get done with school do I want to start a business or do I done want to work for a successful business. I mean what makes someone want to start a business way out in a small town when they could go to the city and make double the revenue. I'm just thinking like I work for McDonald's and the one in town is the highest grossing one in are company based off the 9 stores in our franchise. The McDonald's in dodge city is the lowest, so I think to my self if I just had one store rather it was fast food, tire and lube shop, or whatever kind of common business why would you want to open one in a small city like dodge city vs opening one in Cullman that is much more populated. I know people that own businesses in smaller towns still make money but why not go and open it in the city if you was able to make more money?