Sunday, September 27, 2015

Week 7

Do the things at the checkout counter cause you to make impulse purchases? Yes, I would agree with that 100%. For example I went in the dollar tree just last night and went to check out there was all different favored gum... Like most places have sitting by the cash register. So of course I grab some up, I had no intention of buying gum when I went in there but it was just there as I went to check out. I would say Wal-Mart has a wide variety of stuff at the check out lines which is a great marketing idea, every little purchase counts.Another impulse purchase that happens to me is when retailers send me emails with coupons or promo codes. I couldn't tell you how many time I go online and check my email and a retail store sends me an email with a coupon or promo code and I end up making a purchase from them. Even though I didn't necessary need anything it is just the fact I love getting good deals. Another example is Papa Johns, every Monday they send an email out with a promo code for 50% off pizza. So needless to say I have Papa Johns every Monday.

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